Wednesday, June 4, 2008

3 US soldiers killed by small-arms fire in Iraq (AP)

Soldiers from the Special Forces of Iraq await their orders at a checkpoint at the International Zone in Baghdad June 3, 2008. (Eduardo Munoz/Reuters)AP - Three U.S. soldiers were shot dead Wednesday in northern Iraq, and the decaying bodies of at least 23 Iraqis were discovered in a shallow grave and a sewer shaft at separate sites near the capital.

Do you wanna shave 10 strokes off your Golf scores immediately?

Then read on...

After you understand the fundamentals of the Golf swing, play Golf like a warrior on the battlefield!

Think about the all the great warriors who have planned and fought the great battles of the past...The great field commander General Patton who assumed command of the Fifteenth Army in American-occupied Germany in 1945, General Swartskoff who commanded the American troops in the Iraq war of 1991...and Alexander The Great who conquered much of the known world in the 4th Century B.C.

These three men all had the same thing in common...they all knew their strengths and weaknesses...they knew their enemies' strengths and weaknesses. They all knew how to survey the battlefield...These great warriors all knew when to be aggressive, and when to fall back.

You might think playing Golf like a warrior means playing aggressive...going for the miracle Golf shots. This is hardly the case....

Read on...

A great warrior has learnt how to survey the battlefield and their enemies with uncanny precision...A great Golfer has learnt how to survey the Golf course and their opponents through the fine art of course management!...and a little psychology.

What is the fine art of course management you say? It all starts with knowing your limits. Knowing your strengths and weaknesses, and knowing your opponent's strengths and weaknesses...and of course know the Golf course you are playing on...this is your battlefield!

All great Golfers know their limits and play within them. So many high handicap Golfers try for the "miracle shot" when they are in trouble...This usually ends up costing them at least 10 strokes or more a round (depending on their level).

Think about it, attempting to hit the miracle Golf shot you can execute correctly one in ten times is a recipe for disaster...this makes for great drama...remember Tin Cup? How bout Jean Van de Velde when he choked in the '99 British Open? They both went for the miracle shot.

The truth is going for the miracle shot when everything is on the line may make for great T.V. drama; however this attitude will absolutely crush your Golf scores!

Do you hit driver on a 300 yard par 4 even though you can only drive the ball 250? The 50 yard pitch shot is one of the hardest shots in Golf...even for the pros. Rather than reaching for the big stick, leave yourself 100 yards for your second shot. For most good Golfers 100 yards is a full pitching wedge which they can hit in their sleep.

Plan on leaving the Golf ball at your "sweet spot" distance from the Golf like warrior on the battle field!...think and plan ahead...know your strengths...and your weaknesses!

The fact of the matter is, if you plan on leaving the Golf ball at your "sweet spot" distance from the hole, you will dramatically improve your chances of not only hitting more greens in regulation, but parring more holes. For some this is a 100 yards, some 120 yards, learn what your sweet spot distance is and practice that shot over and over at the range until you can hit that shot in your sleep.

Play Golf like a warrior surveying the battle field.

Hit 'em Long and Straight!

John Lynch

About The Author

John Lynch is owner of"> and has published hundreds of Golf articles. To read more Golf articles like this and get instant access to FREE Golf Tips Reports, John recommends you visit:">




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